Meeting of the Board of Alderman of the City of Clarkson Valley, August 6, 2024.

Mayor McNamara led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor McNamara called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen to order.

Michele McMahon, the City Administrator called roll with the following result:


Mayor McNamara – Present
Alderman Low (Ward 1) – Present
Alderman Schweig (Ward 1) – Present
Alderman Schiller (Ward 2) – Present
Alderman MacDonald (Ward 2) – Present
Alderman Midyett (Ward 3) – Present
Alderman Bogosian (Ward 3) – Present

Michele declared that a quorum has been met.


City Attorney – Patrick Butler
City Administrator/Clerk – Michele McMahon
Building Commissioner – Brad Holmes
Assistant City Clerk – Andrea Burns


Mayor McNamara asked for a motion and a second to accept the agenda as posted. Alderman Bogosian made the motion, seconded by Alderman Low. A voice vote was taken which resulted in all ayes, the motion to accept the agenda as presented passed.


Mayor McNamara asked for a motion to waive the reading and accept the July 2024 Minutes. Alderman Low made the motion, seconded by Alderman Midyett. A voice vote was taken which resulted in all ayes, the motion to accept the minutes as posted passed.


It was announced that we had a resident attending via Zoom, however, there were no remarks, petitions or complaints.


Chesterfield Police Report:

Lt. Connelly presented the July 2024 Police Activity Report.

Mayoral Update:

1. The amount of court revenue for July was $5,369.08.

2. A formal lease from EyeCare Partners is expected by the end of the week.

3. IT wiring bids for the office remodel: two have been received but we would like one more.

4. Republic Golf Tournament will be held on 9/30/24 at Old Hickory Golf Club in St Peters with dinner to follow. RSVP 8/26/24.

5. The mayor will attend the Annual state-wide MML Conference in September in Branson, MO.

6. The mayor has asked MoDOT to repair the pavement at the Kehrs Mill Rd. and Clarkson Rd. intersection.

Status Report from Aldermen:

Alderman MacDonald discussed the progress with both, cyber security training for staff and the creation of employee policies.

Alderman Schiller mentioned an anonymous complaint regarding a large political sign that is hung on a resident’s fence. It was advised to involve the HOA in the effort to have it removed because our code allows these.

Alderman Schiller attended the Trustee Meeting last month where she discussed the necessity of recording the monthly Zoom meetings. It was discovered most Trustees do not watch the recordings and found it difficult to participate. With that, Alderman Schiller feels the expense of producing the video isn’t worth the cost. Alderman Schiller also discussed the existing pillars at the Trustee meeting and would like to share her findings under Item 8b on the agenda.

Alderman Bogosian stated the Creek Stabilization ARPA project has been completed, in Forest Hills Club Estates.

Alderman Midyett had a resident on Trowbridge Rd. who was concerned about the watershed coming dangerously close to her home during the storm three weeks ago. The issue was discussed with MSD who stated the project is on their docket within the next 6-10 years.

City Attorney Report:
Patrick Butler, the City Attorney said the city was in good standing and had nothing to report.


BILL 0548: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF CLARKSON VALLEY, MISSOURI, IN TITLE V: BUILDING CODES AND REGULATIONS BY DELETING THE CURRENT SECTION 500.190, SUBSECTION D; 500.210; 500.301; 500.302; 500.303; 500.304; 500.305; 500.306; 500.307; 500.308; 500.309; AND 500.310, AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFORE A NEW SECTION 500.190, SUBSECTION D; 500.210; 500.301; 500.302; 500.303; 500.304; 500.305; 500.306; 500.307; 500.308; 500.309; AND 500.310:
Mayor McNamara called for a motion to discuss and vote on Bill No. 0548. Alderman Schiller made a motion to discuss, seconded by Alderman MacDonald. The City Administrator read Bill No. 0548 for the first time. There was no discussion. The City Administrator read Bill No. 0548 a second time. Mayor McNamara asked for a roll call vote with the following results: Ayes: Schiller, Midyett, Schweig, Low, Bogosian, and MacDonald. Nays: None. Mayor McNamara declared Bill No. 0548 passed.

Discuss Brick Columns off Driveways to allow them under certain conditions (height, location, use, number, size, materials, neighbor approvals):
Alderman Schiller made a motion to allow all existing pillars to stay in existence, but new applications with pillars to be built outside of the building lines go to the Board of Adjustment. Alderman Bogosian seconded the motion. Mayor McNamara asked the Board if they would like to discuss this motion. Discussion ensued. The purpose of creating a new code is to adopt required standards, (i.e., maximum height, maximum footprint, lighting, distance from roadway, etc.) so the city can enforce those standards going forward as well to grandfather existing pillars. Alderman Low moved to table Alderman Schiller’s motion, seconded by Alderman Schweig. A voice vote was taken with an affirmative result and the motion to table the discussion passed.


The City Administrator read Resolution 24-07 for the first time. Mayor McNamara called for a motion and second to discuss Resolution 24-07. Alderman Schiller made a motion to discuss Resolution 24-07, seconded by Alderman Midyett. Alderman MacDonald made a motion to amend the Resolution to replace all the references to the $89,430.22 with $87,053.46 which is the total of the one bill containing the lien waiver received from Forest Hills Club Estates. Valerie Denton, HOA President of Forest Hills Club Estates Subdivision, joined the meeting via Zoom. Valerie stated the order of the projects allocated for the ARPA funds were switched which changed the dollar amount, however the ARPA total is a net amount and will not change. Michele stated the difference will be applied to the stream restoration. Discussion commenced. Alderman Bogosian seconded the motion to amend the Resolution to replace all the references to the $89,430.22 with $87,053.46. Roll Call was taken with the following results: Ayes: MacDonald, Bogosian, Schweig, Midyett, Schiller, Schweig. Nays: none, Abstained: Low. The motion to amend Resolution No. 24-07 passed.

Discuss “Administrative Action” regarding Nuisance – Failure to Comply:
Patrick discussed the option to update and amend the entire nuisance code to incorporate clear language that will dictate the recourse the city may use, such as administrative action, hearing to revoke permits that would be on city time, etc. The topic will be revisited at a future meeting.


Mayor McNamara asked for a motion and a second to discuss and accept the August 2024 Audit as posted. Alderman Midyett made the motion to amend the audit to reflect the Resolution No. 24-07 amended dollar amount, seconded by Alderman Schweig. A voice vote was taken with an affirmative result. The motion to amend the August 2024 Audit passed. Alderman Low made the motion to approve as amended, seconded by Alderman Schweig. A voice vote was taken with an affirmative result. The motion to approve the August 2024 as amended passed.


Housing Court was held tonight and two residents from Clarkson Valley are on the docket to appear.


Mayor McNamara asked for a motion and a second to go into a closed session to discuss personnel matters. Alderman Bogosian asked if he should read the proper motion. Alderman Low made the motion to adjourn which was seconded by Alderman MacDonald. Alderman Bogosian stated the motion to adjourn prevails. A voice vote was taken to adjourn the Regular Meeting with the following results: three ayes and three nays. To break the tie Mayor McNamara voted to adjourn the Regular Meeting. The motion was declared passed and the meeting was adjourned.


The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.



Sue McNamara, Mayor

ATTEST: Andrea Burns, Assistant City Clerk