Planning and Zoning Commission
June 27, 2024

The Clarkson Valley Planning and Zoning Commission, pursuant to notices published in the West News magazine on June 5, 2024, met in person on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., to consider Forest Hills Country Club’s application for a Special Use Permit to install a chain link fence around the perimeter of their pickleball courts with a section exceeding the height of six (6) feet, on the property known as Forest Hills Country Club at 36 Forest Club Dr., Clarkson Valley, Missouri and to make a recommendation to the Board of Aldermen.

Michele McMahon called roll:

Steve Howard, Chairperson, In-Person
Alderman Schiller, In-Person
David Grable, In-Person
Rick Vaduka, Absent
Joe Mayberger, In-Person

Commissioner Rick Vaduka was not able to attend, however a quorum was met, and the meeting proceeded.

Attending in-person: Michele McMahon (City Administrator/City Clerk), Andrea Burns (City Clerk Assistant). Representative of the petitioner, Emma Gore, (Forest Hills Country Club General Manager), and Kyle O’Leary, (Forest Hills Country Club Director of Raquet Sports).

Attending virtually: Patrick Butler, (City Attorney), Alderman Bogosian (Ward 3 and resident of Forest Hills Club Estates), Alderman MacDonald (Ward 2), and Alderman Schweig (Ward 1).

Chairman Howard opened the meeting, introduced the Commission Members, and asked the representative of the petitioner, Emma Gore, if she had objections to any of the Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, to which she responded that she did not.
Chairman Howard stated the application received before the Board is to recommend approval for a Special Use Permit for the installation of the chain link fence around the perimeter of the clubs pickleball courts with a section exceeding the height of six (6) feet. The fence will be six (6) feet tall on the west, north and east side, and ten (10) feet on the south side.
Chairman Howard gave the floor to Ms. Gore who thanked the Board for holding this meeting. Ms. Gore stated the application for the fencing is to provide safety to those playing pickleball by containing the ball on the court and minimizing the hazard of players retrieving the ball from wet grass and returning to the court with wet shoes causing slips and falls.

Mr. Mayberger asked where the section of fence measuring ten (10) feet would be placed. Ms. Gore explained it will be on the south side of the court and it will be placed between the current solid fence and four (4) feet away from the pickleball courts.

Alderman Schiller asked where the gate will be located to which Ms. Gore responded there will be no gates, per se, but rather there will be openings.
The Chairman called for proponents or opponents:
Alderman Bogosian, a resident of Forest Hill Club Estates, attended the meeting virtually and stated he felt the fencing was necessary.

A resident mailed a letter to City Hall opposing the fencing stating it wasn’t necessary. Chairman Howard read the letter from the resident and entered it as Exhibit A. (Note: The resident is not within 500’ fence location.)

At the conclusion of hearing Chairman Howard called for the vote.

Chairman Howard made a motion to make an affirmative recommendation to the Board of Aldermen to consider making a change to the Zoning Code and to approve the Special Use Permit to allow the pickleball court fencing, exceeding six (6) feet in height for Forest Hills Country Club, seconded by Commissioner Grable. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Grable, Howard, Mayberger, and Schiller. There were no Nays. Chairman Howard declared an affirmative recommendation would go forward and stated the time and date of the Public Hearing to take place at the next Aldermanic Meeting, July 9, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. (meeting begins at 6:30).

Chairman Howard asked for a motion to close this Hearing, made by Alderman Schiller, and seconded by Commissioner Mayberger. A voice vote was taken with an affirmative result. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Burns
City of Clarkson Valley